Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Healthy Eating

I once again find myself training for a triathlon.  I need to realize that no amount of exercise can compensate for a sugar loaded diet! In order to perform my best, it's time to maximize the fruits and veggies and minimize the sugar!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Tricks" for handling the "Treats"

I just wanted to remind everyone about my little tricks for handling the treats this Halloween. I know it can be tempting with all the candy, candy, candy. But resist!! You can do it, and you will feel much better if you do.

Me and Shaun T!

I got to spend the afternoon doing insanity, and training with Shaun T.  I am happy to say that he is just as cool as he appears on his programs! I am so happy to have had that experience and am excited to use some of his ideas in my training.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yoga. It is so good.

I am getting ready to start teaching Yoga at the end of September, so I thought I would do a little research and go to a class tonight.  It is so good. 

I am actually wondering if they have done any studies with depressed people. I don't know why but I just feel so happy after doing yoga. It seems like it would be impossible to feel depressed after going to a yoga class. 

I have decided that I want my class to be a special "treat" for myself, and those who come. It will be a time just for myself.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Years Here!!

New year is here! It is time once again to reflect on the things we want to do...have...become in order to make this year better than any other! I truly wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope that this will be the year that all of your dreams come true!

“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second.”

- William James

How to make resolutions you can actually keep!

By Julie Gedge

AFAA Certified Personal Trainer

It is once again that time of year to decide how this year can be better than ever, as you make new nutrition and fitness goals. Take a few minutes to sit down and write some new year’s resolutions that you will actually keep. When making your goals this year here are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all when setting your goals, be positive! Imagine what things will be like when you reach your goals. How will you feel? What will your friends and family say? What new activities or other things will change for the better? Never use negative “self-talk” or unflattering pictures for motivation! Try to view your healthy diet and exercise program as an opportunity to improve your life, not as a punishment for past bad behaviors. Starting with a positive attitude will get you so much further on your journey to health.

Now, remember to set goals that are specific and c

an be measured in some way. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight.” Instead say, “I want to lose 5 lbs. by my birthday in March.” If your goal can’t be measured, than how will you know if you actually reach it? Setting a specific time frame will hold you accountable to make steady progress until that time.

Make sure your goal is realistic. Unless you actually do weigh 400lbs, and are “on the ranch,” it will take more than one week to lose 10lbs! Many small victories combined will lead you towards success, and will keep you feeling motivated to do your best.

Set up a plan of action and get to work. Now that you know what you want, figure out what it is going to take to get there. This is the “how” part. How will you lose those 5 lbs.? (By cutting out soda, and eating healthier snacks, and increasing my muscle mass to speed up my metabolism.) Map out the steps to your plan and put it into action (the “do” part).

Finally, if you miss a workout, or face some setbacks don’t throw your resolution out the window! It is not all or nothing. You are going through the process of change, and it is a process! It is going to take some time, so don’t give up! Remember you are stronger than you think you are.

It’s true!

You lose more weight when working with a trainer.

In a recent weight loss study, participants in supervised workouts lost more weight, and body fat than those who worked out on their own. After four months, supervised participants lost and average of 17.6 pounds, compared to just 6 pounds! For more information check out this month’s (Jan 2011) issue of American Fitness Magazine

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Great Thoughts!

Never give up something you want most for what you want now!!